Still wearing His name

By writergirl. Filed in Creativity  |  
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You are so close to me
It would be so easy for me to walk into your arms
And forget about Him.
But I can’t shake Him off and neither can you
I think that’s what’s killing you the most
Because you see I’m still wearing His name.
It’s wrapped like a form fitting dress, leaving little room to breath but hugs every curve reminding me how good it feels to still be wanted.
It constantly pinches me to remind me of my past passionate affair with Him which ended with my heart broken.

You have no idea how badly I want to take that step, to enter those strong arms of you that are waiting for me to come and fall in love, be respect and appreciated.
I know I have to leave Him but His grip is strong and seducing so tight. When I attempt to leave, it pulls me back in.

I need you so desperately, in the day, at night especially in the midnight hour where only you consume my thoughts and I feel more secure that I’ve ever been.

I need you want me desperately as selfish as it sounds. I want you to still want me; even though you see I’m still wearing His name.

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